Member-only story
Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
I am driving home from the natural foods grocery store. It is a beautiful winter day, with just enough snow to sparkle in the sunshine, and not enough to make things inconvenient or anything. I am dressed in exercise clothes and my water bottle is full, tucked in the cup holder. I have just learned that the opportunity I dreamt about is definitely going to happen.
It’s an amazing moment to celebrate my health and my future.
And I am going to sabotage it.
The grocery bag next to me has a sack of (organic, vegan) donuts, a slice of (artisan) pizza, and a giant sandwich. I’m not hungry, and I am going to eat all of this food, with the same lack of awareness as if it were a fast food hamburger and a box of Little Debbies. I start on the donuts as soon as I hit the first traffic light.
This is my pattern. Something I’ve worked for starts to happen. It becomes clear that people notice and appreciate what I do. There are things I need to do to follow up and keep the momentum going. And I block it.
My preferred method of blocking success is food. I am going to eat this entire bag of food and feel just sick enough to forget to follow up on the opportunity that is right in front of me. And tomorrow, it will feel like too late, and the next day is certainly too late. So, two days from now I will be…